MASSIVE KATIE LEE – Biceps and Quads Spectacular!

Katie 024 Lee looking massive and super powerful from Diamond Gym in NJ.  Join PremiumPhysiques now!

Katie 024 Lee looking massive and super powerful from Diamond Gym in NJ. Join PremiumPhysiques now!

Wish Katie luck as she heads to the Arnold to compete for the Physique International title in Columbus, OH.  Today, we’ve got 2 new videos of fan-favorite “024” as she works out at Diamond Gym in New Jersey.   This shoot was right at the start of her prep, where she is HUGE and MASSIVE, yet lean!   Mind-blowing muscle power – this is stuff that you do NOT want to miss – JOIN PremiumPhysiques now and don’t miss it!

Cero Dos Cuattro with the biggest biceps in the world - JOIN now!

Cero Dos Cuattro with the biggest biceps in the world – JOIN now!